this little coordinate had me singing como la flor all afternoon. It feels good to be back home with my family and friends, enjoying this *crap* weather (lawls) Its been nothing but wispy and windy all spring in Chicago. And we've also experienced some non-stop rain (total bummer) but it was a great excuse to go get some ultra spicy vindaloo with dave. (i mean ULTRA SPICY, indian food does NOT play...)

{what i wore} floral shirt/foe la passion (paris) :: "mom jean" shorts/vintage:: thigh highs/h&m :: platforms/jeffrey campbell "copen" :: jewelry/watch & bracelet -gifted from mommie ♥
I have been wearing this watch non-stop. I used to not wear one but my mother surprised it to me before I left for my trip. Especially since I could not use/charge my cell, having a watch has become quite handy. Its also has this sexi-ness to it that I love. I got this chiffon floral shirt at this boutique that was having a blowout, i mean BLOW-OUT sale next door to PRINTEMPS on Haussmann Blvd. Not only did the boutique have ultra sexie male workers (heh...) it had basically all the trend pieces I have been looking for but could not find in the US. This shirt is the perfect match between loose and fitted. I don't do well in oversized clothing (makes me look fat) but a nice mesh between loose and fitted gives it that certain je nais se quoi...ha...plus can i also add i love the fact that its cut asymmetrically?!
It will definitely be my new go to piece this summer. Its easy and breezy and can be worn rolled up and button down. Plus the pearl buttons are a sweet off beat omph that you could only expect from pariee..
(trying out a dramatic cat eye)
I'm sure you're all dying to see pics and such, but in due time! stay tuned loves. and thank you for following me here to my new home ;D
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