coat: vintage men's YSL (similar) (similar)
gingham: old navy (similar)
necklace: mother's
culottes: asos
illustration: mine
I don't really update this little ole blog anymore do I? Not to say I don't miss it, but as life passes on and we get older (and busier) I don't have the same ample amount of time as I did in college. My photographer can't shoot me at every whim anymore now that he works full time and no longer a block away from my home, and my health has been so topsy turvy that moments of silence on this blog are natural. I also noticed my own cynicism towards blogging that I never had in the beginning. I used to love telling stories posting my looks, but then it became a game of likes, comments, popularity. I no longer liked blogging I just tried to keep my stats up to impress...myself? I stopped dressing for myself and became a caricature of myself + "blogger style" I've decided from this point forward I will dress when I want, how I want, and post whenever I want to. I have made you my lovely readers into people I was afraid of. People I worried would hate me or leave me if I took time for myself. But now I understand. We all continue to grow, we all flourish, we all can't spend days and days taking pictures of ourselves and neglect the responsibilities that lay ahead off the computer. I love you guys, I will continue to blog, I will continue to dress...just know some days are filled with yoga pants, sweatshirts, and illustration deadlines.