Growing Up

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coat: vintage men's YSL (similar) (similar)
gingham: old navy (similar)
necklace: mother's
culottes: asos
illustration: mine

I don't really update this little ole blog anymore do I? Not to say I don't miss it, but as life passes on and we get older (and busier) I don't have the same ample amount of time as I did in college. My photographer can't shoot me at every whim anymore now that he works full time and no longer a block away from my home, and my health has been so topsy turvy that moments of silence on this blog are natural. I also noticed my own cynicism towards blogging that I never had in the beginning. I used to love telling stories posting my looks, but then it became a game of likes, comments, popularity. I no longer liked blogging I just tried to keep my stats up to impress...myself? I stopped dressing for myself and became a caricature of myself + "blogger style" I've decided from this point forward I will dress when I want, how I want, and post whenever I want to. I have made you my lovely readers into people I was afraid of. People I worried would hate me or leave me if I took time for myself. But now I understand. We all continue to grow, we all flourish, we all can't spend days and days taking pictures of ourselves and neglect the responsibilities that lay ahead off the computer. I love you guys, I will continue to blog, I will continue to dress...just know some days are filled with yoga pants, sweatshirts, and illustration deadlines.   photo redfit7_zps4f43ab42.jpg photo redfit5_zps37055247.jpg

Once it was warm

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blazer: thrifted (similar
pants: similar
shirt: thrifted similar

Once it was warm and I could wear sheer shirts & knit pants. now the polar vortex is a upon us. oh chicago, you frigid basterd.

check it, mate

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Cropped Sweater: A'gaci (similar) (similar)
Flannel shirt: Ross (similar)

I'm excited that it's fall, I don't care if that makes me basic. ( haha JAY KAY) In all seriousness, I'm excited that I have an excuse to layer my clothes in anyway that I please and for it to be socially acceptable versus me looking like a vagabond. (at least I have a notion that I don't look like a vagabond between the months of september-feb, who actually knows!) When Articles of Society sent me these waxed coated Mya Jeans, I KNEW, I KNEEEEW what to layer them with. I snagged this short sleeve sweater number from Agaci, and layered it with a flannel shirt. For me this outfit screams classic Japanese Street Style, like something you would read in Soup or JILLE. Either way I'm totally digging the short sleeve over long sleeve though part of me never wants to recreate any style that I performed in the 90s. Plus these jeans make me feel like a cool girl (cooler than I am) like I should be hanging out with Devendra Banhart or something... photo aos3_zps69aec20b.jpg photo aos7_zps7f19eb24.jpg photo aos4_zps45fcdbf9.jpg

In the Jeans

As mentioned before I will always be a girl that loves the classic. I think because in my own head I believe I’m trotting around the Champs Elyse wearing the perfect gamine outfit of skinny jeans and a boyfriend shirt to meet some friends for coffee. Versus my IRL life of wanting to be comfortable and some what cool, as I go to the bodega for some ramen and sriracha (I’m so glamorous…)

Comfort will always be a priority with my clothing choices, not because I dream of looking like a soccer mom in yoga pants, but I between my active lifestyle of video gaming and biking on the lakeshore, to having some lower back issues - I need my pants to be COMFORTABLE, but cute! I refuse, REFUSE (regardless of how comfortable the lure of lululemon is) to look like I should be married to some yuppie pushing around his spawn in a Cadillac sized stroller. But some days I do dream of having some pants that don’t press SO HARD on my lower back and abdomen that I’m making bee lines for the restroom every hour on the hour. So when I discovered NYDJ I got excited about the possibility of a jean to be both cute and comfortable.

I know you’re like “how are jeans NOT comfortable”?! Well my friend, if you’re small in the waist, have no hips, BUT HAVE TONS OF JUNK IN THE TRUNK, jeans can be nothing but a nightmare. Gapping, too tight here, too loose here, it’s like jeans are better fit for tree trunks than an actual human body (sorry Groot).  So I flipped through the jeans for women at NYDJ and discovered their NYDJ Fit jeans. Claiming to make you one size smaller (I’m actually happy at my mysterious size of a 10-14) they promise to prevent those aggravating dressing room tear-causing issues of gapping, pulling, and WHY. Plus the color and styles have me already planning my next lunch date.

I like these Alina Leggings and Linda Leggings for my vampire weekends. The Ami super skinny are cute enough to sneak into work and pretend you’re wearing dress pants before you jet off to drink at your scuzziest dive bar. (Plus these bad boys are high in the mid waist! I hate low waist jeans, curses to you and your coin slot! I’m not a Pac-Man machine!!) I’m definitely going to have to give these guys a TRY! Which ones do you think I’d look super cute in? Which ones do you like? I will try them and report back, but so far ladies, so so good.

hey guys
