zakka zakka

Like many young women who have their own apartments, i want to ZAKKA THE MESS out of it. Zakka really fits my style of loving strange/vintage/modern/japanese things. Its like if Ikea exploded into a japanese thrift store that focuses on western style. (like Grimore) I've been downloading Zakka books all day and been slowly zakka-fying my house. Take a look:


Most of the stuff I find is either from Ikea, vintage/antique shops, gifts and just keeping my eyes peeled for cute stuff. But almost nothing I own to decorate is over like 5-10 dollars (unless its a storage unit), I like to search and find it cheap versus spending all my money on a look i might get tired of. I REALLY want to get like a wooden children's play house/ cooking stove thing. I saw one on Jenny's retro zakka post I think I saw some at Aldi, yes, ALDI, for like 30 bucks.


That WAS around christmas so maybe they will have them again around's hoping. I think it will make a super sweet book case. Because I LURV BOOKS, and I'm definitely going to stock up on comic books in march when c2e2 gets here (NERD ALERT) But honestly, I used to love faux food as a kid! I think it will not only be a super awesome decoration choice, but a nice reminder of my youth.

I think I'm going to go soak in bath, have a zakka inspired brunch, run to the comic book store, & enjoy the rest of my sundae, so i leave you with some takka takka, because it rhymes with zakka zakka...


i hope you enjoyed exploring my home :D...

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hey guys
