I tried but....

I tried to do one of those "30 days" things in the japanese magazine when you have like 12-15 pieces of clothing and you have to challenge yourself on how you will wear those pieces. I had it all set, picked out my pieces was ready to go...


I was inspired by Chikakos 30 day in the Feb issue of Vivi....


but I only made it a week! haha! It DID made me apperciate my wardrobe more, and prevented me from shopping BUT it also made me feel like I was wasting the clothes I owned. SO it was fun for like a minuet but then I stopped..HAHA, but I will show you what I got through so far...


on the first day (middle bottom cord) I went to go see tanlines in concert @ the metro..THEY RAWKED there was like 30+/- people there in the entire concert hall so it was like a total dance-a-thon! Going was a promotional ticket for seeing yeasayer. They are awesome, adorable, and TOTALLY WORTH IT...


interested in getting into them? might I suggest...real life..? They are like dscvry meets yeasayer..a little weird, a little techno pop.

(three days in a row, whattaya know!)

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