(chambray-french connection UK, cardigan- had to steal look from my girls Jenny & Ikumi!, skirt- UO)
first day back in chicago, I did what every chicagoan does. I ate deep dish pizza, and was filled with regrets. I actually do not care for deep dish, but my dad wanted to take out my boyfriend and I out for lunch before he headed back home. It was the first time my father met dave so that was a little nerve wrecking. but he already loves him, so casting cares aside for now! Its been rather cool in chicago (THX GOD) because living in NYC with no A/C has been more than depressing. My family lives in the outskirts of the city within some forest preserves in the old timey al capone victorian style house with NO A/C as well, so i prefer cold over HOT HOT HOT. Plus as for my last year in school, I'm commuting from home versus living in my takka takka apartment which I already gave away since I left for NYC. I miss living in the heart beat of the city, BUT I rather save money in my last year to pay back this 6 years stint as an undergrad AND move back to NYC. The count down begins NAOW!
(trying this lookbook thing again..IDK Y, prepare for my next weeks to filled with self depreciation!! lol jk jk!)
Ooh, lovely. That cheese looks like a string wrapped around your pizza :)