light up chicago

so happy that my pictures are back! that was a scare for a moment there, but no worries, went my stuff back! PHEW...

Anyways, I thought it would be a wonderful way to kick of this christmas eve with some of my photos of lights around the city. I'll admit, I'm like a child when it comes to shiny things and I love love love christmas lights!

Places photographed: N. Michigan Ave, Zoo lights at Lincoln Park, my Parisian inspired tree, and MY AMAZEBALLS HOMEMADE MELTED SNOWMAN COOKIES HEEHEE

Happy Holidays! Hope your enjoying it with those you love, or stuff you love haha! I'm always with my family in Chicago, for me, the holidays are ALL YEAR ROUND..XD

(time to watch doctor who :P)


  1. Wow Chicago does such a nice job with illuminations, I really love the giant teddy bear and snowman! Oh you made the melted snowman cookies, they look great - Merry Christmas!

  2. How lovely!! I hope to spend some time tomorrow evening driving around and looking at all the city lights.

  3. Merry Christmas Bianca~! ♥ I hope you have a wonderful day & thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos.

  4. I love these lights. Everything is so pretty!


hey guys
