instaweekend--randolph market

To not everyone's knowledge I decided to host an impromptu pop up vintage shop at the Randolph Street Market. The space was orginially my mother's but since she double booked that weekend she let me have the space for today. For such a short notice show, IT WAS A BLAST, something I've been meaning to do for years.

I'm always weary about selling vintage clothes, I'm anxious about an oversaturated market but I'm definitely bringing my own flair to the vintage pieces I sell. Expect them to be weird like me, less mad men and more...just mad! This experience has really inspired me to branch out more. In fact back in 2007 I had built this whole vintage website back when selling on ebay was the thing to do, and I got nervous and quit! I have collected vintage pieces for years! And they aren't doing me any favors in boxes under my bed. Plus in favor of closet purges I feel like these clothes desrve a more just home than the back of my closet.

Over all, I had so much fun, therefore, I'm signed up to do it again in September, just in time for BACK TO SCHOOL and fall fashion (loves!) Oh and most importantly my big quarter of a century birthday...har har. I'll keep you posted so you can come by and say hey hey, and for those who made it by in such short notice, thank you my dearies!

ps. trying a new weekend thing besides the weekend inspo, instaweekend! Since I'm usually busy busy busy come weekend time, I thought it would be cute to compile all my instapics from the coolest ones like this! Let me know if you like "Instaweekend" ;)

1 comment:

  1. So great meeting you finally! Hope to see you tomorrow night!


hey guys
