bicyclettes et bérets

sailor blouse: vintage 
high waisted anchor cropped pants: vintage ralph lauren 
red flats: vintage 
red leather sling: vintage 
beret: ...kmart....

Well, in case you haven't heard, Dave's car broke down. But I must say that I had gotten too spoiled on it anyway. Back in my early college years I used to ride bikes all the time, but as I've gotten older I've become to reliable on the automobile....

And since neither of us are magicians, Dave's car might be out of commission for a year or so...therefore time to break out the bikes! It felt good to ride around town again, IT WAS FREEING, now that summer is cooling off it's a lot easier to get around and not be drenched in sweat. This weekend we rode to the local theatre and caught Batman on a matinee, FINALLY GOT TO SEE IT AND IT WAS....AMAZING...but bittersweet. Now I will no longer make fun of my friend about crying at the last Harry Potter's so hard to say goodbye. I hope someone picks up the series and moves on with the Joseph Gordon Levitt story....somebody a Coen Brother...or Aronofsky. Nolan created such a strategic universe...I hate to see it thrown away for ANOTHER REBOOT...:(

But I digress...

I really wanted to be cute on my bicycle...Calivintage is such an inspiration for cute biker don't always have to look like a messenger or that you're on the tour de france. The right shoe, and the right length of pant really comes into play here. Also my linen shirt was extra breathable so I wasn't sweating like a maniac. A small bag is easier to carry than a large tote (do we really need all that stuff?) And sure the beret wasn't necessary...BUT IT TOTALLY WAS. Layer my sailor pants with my sailor shirt, and watch out sailor moon, I'm riding to the stars! Truth be told, I don't miss the car as much as I thought I would.


  1. Love the photos and the way you mixed the prints!

  2. goodness. i love your style girl! and bikes are the way to go. cars are so overrated.

  3. new here. new fan. just saying hi to your awesome wheels and your cute face. xo!

  4. Love the printed pants!

  5. dressing for a bike ride really is strategic - i think you nailed all the finer points - pants that won't get caught in the chain, shirts that breath, hands-free bag...and you look super cute to boot!

  6. I can't get over how you are A L W A Y S on point Bianca! I'm swooning over what a bicycle babe you make <3 <3

  7. hooray for cycling! loving your mixed print getup. the beret is sweet too. great way to style it on curly hair.

  8. J'aime!
    Cycling around is so much fun :)

  9. Super cute photos, I always try for the cute cycling pictures, but always end up looking a bit clumsy! I love the combination of the anchor prints in your outfit, particularly those trousers!

    Oh, Such a Primadonna

  10. Ooooh, now I am very partial to an anchor print. I found a wicked little anchor clad nautical bag in a charity shop in Cornwall (coastal county in the UK) for 2quid not so long ago. I'm also obsessed with Seasalt - a British brand that draws influence from the Cornish Coast. Love it! You look great, by the way - always a treat to see what you're wearing:)

  11. So into all of this. You're right a beret was SO NECESSARY. But mostly I am kinda squealing over the sailor theme and how flawless the silhouette of your outfit is ^_~

  12. Oh man I love this outfit so much! You look incredibly adorable in your sailor pants and top. I wish I had some pants just like those! The anchor print is pretty much perfect. I think the beret was a perfect addition to this outfit too.

  13. where have you been all my life?! totally digging your style. ps. isn't bicyclettes the coolest word? i love saying it. (here from calivintage, btw.)


hey guys
