Dracula's Cape

 photo vamp8_zpsc651ab47.jpgSome of you guys were curious about my coat in my last post! I found this guy on my trip to Michigan a few weekends ago. I absolutely adore it! It's quickly has become a favorite which is surprising to me because I used to only wear bright colorful coats. Recently I've opted for that simple clothing with fun portions (always Japanese influenced) and I cannot take this coat off. It has become one with me this fall like Linus's blanket or Dracula's cape.

But since 'tis the season for coats, I thought maybe you guys would like to find your favorite. I founds some coats I love at Oasap, that are more than just a black canvas, they have fun shapes that will make you still feel one of a kind in a sea of black this upcoming winter. Plus they're prices are nearly all under $100! So definitely won't hurt the bank either! Let me know if you find one you love!

xx let's be friends! instagram, twitter, pinterest, and tumblr xx


  1. It's a great coat! Definitely a perfect staple piece. Sometimes you just need a simple, versatile coat.

  2. Love this photo of you! So photogenic. I have a boxy oversized black peacoat. Considering I'm so petite, I thought it always looked too big on me. But maybe I'll give it another go since this post has given me a new wind to try again.

  3. This pic of u is huge, adore as always your style & thx for your comment, I'm SO glad your read me M-C


hey guys
