#BCSummerRoadtrip {win 6 pairs of shoes oh my!}

 photo bc7_zps69678f58.jpg photo bc5_zps9296680b.jpg photo bc8_zps4a2a6797.jpg photo bc10_zpsfd05071e.jpgCan you believe it's June already? Time is literally SOARING by and just like that we'll be waving goodbye to 2014 and hello to 2015. But before you break out the campaign, how about me make the most of the now and enjoy the summer that is before us? I am jazzed that BC Footwear asked me to be the Chicago rep for the #BCSummerRoadtrip. They sent me these ADORABLE (vegan!) off the cuff flatforms that made me feel like a total betty somewhere between rockabilly and Rihanna. Either way I'm dancing to Rude Boy. To be honest I think I channeled both ideals with the black and white crop top and overalls. I wanted to be playful but still blarghful. That's a word now. Deal with it.
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Oh and good news! With BC I am giving away 6 pairs of shoes to one lucky reader. Just a way of saying thanks for being so awesome and following this blog all these years. Plus 6 is my favorite number so it can't get much better than that!

But before we get to giveaways I wanted to chit chat about some favorite places in Chicago. For those of us in the Midwest, sometimes Cali can be too far and NYC can be too $$ why no hop in your cars and see the city that is really second to none! Versus getting stuck on the mag mile, try these things instead:

GO: Wicker Park.
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If you're a cool kid you might have heard this neighborhood mentioned to you. but it is merely a 15 min train ride from the loop! There's lots to shop, lots to eat, plenty of dusen dusen to make any girl smile! Some people call it Brooklyn jr, I like to refer to it as the neighborhood High Fidelity took place.

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EAT: Tacos. Yes TACOS
 photo bigtique_zpsda53384f.jpg If you like the idea of eating outside while sharing a beer late into the wee hours of the morning then Big Star is your place. If you love vintage, are a foodie, and drinking margaritas with a paper straw is your jam then head over to Antique Taco. Just don't forget to top it off with a doughnut at one of Wicker Park's many fried bread establishments (Glazed & Infused, Stan's Donuts)

 photo quimbupb_zps22674ad3.jpg Wicker Park is a tumblr girls dream. From Vintage, to zines, to tchotchke deers from 1963. You reblogged it we got. For cutest stationary and vintage ninja turtle patches head over to Rudy's Roundup. Want zines and foreign magazines? Shake your groove thang over to Quimby's. Looking for vintage? A stroll down Milwaukee Ave will have you stopping every couple of feet, there's literally shop after shop of vintage wonders!


Now for the fun part. GIVEAWAY TIMEZZZZ!!! I made it super simple, all you got to do is use your facebook to log on to this form below. It's that easy! You got a week to enter, and the BC will compile all the entries from all the other cool cats and pick one winner! US Residents Only. You can follow along on the BC Summer Roadtrip Blog. Remeber to check out BC on Twitter and Facebook! PLUS you can shop BC at Bazar in Chicago! And keep up with all my Avant Adventures on Tumblr and Instagram! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love love love this shoot really nice colors and u make it so much fun :))inspiration!!!


  2. rad shoes. i've never been to chicago but i've always had a trip planned in my head. maybe i'll get there this summer!

  3. I love Wicker Park. I definitely need to make more visits this summer.


  4. This is so good! Jean dungarees and stripes are all my summer cravings. Your photos have made me happy on the coldest winter day so far this year.


  5. Love your photos!! Your style is amazing as always. I also liked the information about Chicago. I'm thinking of going there in July. Maybe I could have the chance to meet up with you :D

  6. Girl, why you so cool! Ha. Your photos look like they're straight out of an editorial! Your sandals are super cool as well, love the metallic finish.

  7. I rarely want to put on a pair of overalls if ever (childhood trauma) but you make it look really tempting...You look amazing--the shoes, the sunnies, everything & I'm forever in love with your hair.

  8. Blarghful! New favorite word. Also I haven't been to Chicago in ages - this is making me want to go back!

  9. I love your pedicure! It's so quirky. I've been to Chicago before but haven't visited those places so maybe I should!


  10. Love these shoes with your outfit. And I love your energy!

  11. This giveaway just made my day. I have actually been eyeing a few pairs of sandals on their site for some time! I am in love with the Every Night sandals in both colors, the Deal With It platform sandals in tan, the Gotta Try in blanket print, and just to spice it up those Off The Cuff sandals in silver you're wearing seem like they’d be a lot of fun to wear out.


hey guys
