sir save-a-lot

(haha you didn't think i was coming back today DID YOU? of little faith [dont blame ya] ..)

like many of you I'm in the same paddy wagon with trying to $AVE MONEY, and theres many reasons why...


kinda DONE with fall/winter fashion, i got all my perks (velvet/oatmeals/bodycon), i DO WANT some Pendleton inspired navajo/aztec prints...

he's a cutie FO SHO...pendleton for OC

BUT i dont NEED a new wardrobe (saving for spring) like jenny im TIRED of having pity clothes. Stuff i held on too because "well remember when i was in my rockabilly/gyaru/vintage/hipster/ironic phase?" or "my ___ bought me that.." or "i saved for that and NEVER wore it" I need to clean it OUT, i want to have pieces I LOVE concise my wardrobe no more FLUFF!! I don't really have anything worth selling, but hey...maaaaybe....well see (like i need ANOTHER project)

but long story short, no more "retail therapy" or buying cause "twas on sale!" i really stopped the sale shopping last year but the retail therapy is an evil bitch....


as i stated yesterday I'll be going to NYC for an internship/job/forever...starting in I'll need money to live, rent, food, fun...NY ain't cheap. never said it pretty sure the shopping there will definitely be sublime...


so one christmas gift i forgot to mention was a little something something from my mom...i'll give you a picture clue....


well i hope you guessed it and if not IM GOING TO LONDON PARIS FOR HOLIDAY IN THE SUMMER, some of you may have remember me mentioning this b4, but i thought plans feel through, but they did not! all expense paid, JUST need monies for SHOPPING FOOD ETC, which really means $AVE $AVE $AVE my @$$ off because if i don't i'll regret it :D IM SO EXCITED!!! any tips :D (ive only been to mexico )



i realized MORE than shopping, whats really been eating my salary is food....I go out for food almost everyday for lunch or dinner or sometimes both! luckily i have been VERY diligent about packing a lunch and cooking my meals ...aka...less time online. But its been well worth it+ converting to the vegetarian side its been fast to whip up a meal! Im certain ive lost weight, and Its fun to experiment with different meals. I'm saving like 50-100 bucks a week! I'm limiting myself to only spend when necessary (groceries/toiletress/etc)...i did buy two books recently...heh....

and like once a week my friends and I will go to the movies but we usually divide the cost/have movie passes/etc etc that that usually runs me $8 a to have some leniancy in saving or your sure to break...however, we HAVE been getting together making a pizza and watching misfits on the computer...thats like SUPER CHEAP...and fun!

Going for walks also helps with shopping urges, especially to realize you're not missing ANYTHING... I also instead of impluse buy, if i see something i like i wait a few days b4 purchasing..i'll either forget or if I NEED IT by the time i get back it might be on sale....PLUS PLUS i begged my brother (whose an industrial designer) to give me a thermos he made! now i bring tea with me everyday which helps with the starbucks urges! (another 20 bucks a week SAVED)

plus anybody notice that u shop less when its just TOO COLD to leave the house...:D


its always good to save especially when crap happens! or you want to do something FUN, its like aren't you GLAD we did something fun! versus "im broke spent all my cash on a sweater i wore ONCE"

BUT I WONT PRETEND TO BE PERFECT, i did buy some things (i also got lots of giftcards so technically my dad bought some things for me too HAHA!) Just some books to go along with resolutions and this super cool british magazine that focuses on black fashionistas! and a super cool little comic, by a little ole girlie named veronica, support her! GIT IT, REED IT!


I'm super stoked to start that Haruki Murakami book, but I'm currently re-reading works by Ana Castillo! By the By, anybody else love indie bookstores? they are so much sweeter than borders (no offense borders...:/) I want to disappear all mori girl style inside them! hee hee!

+ all images besides coordinates WERE STOLEN from my tumblr, which were obviously stolen from somewhere else...:)

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