dairy queen

coat: vintage
nautical shirt: madewell
mustard skirt: UO
plum tights: jcpenny
loafers: F21

By my parents home there's an traditional style dairy queen that's only open in the summer-early fall. When its closed it showcases a bold wooden american flag that seems more jasper john than americana. Leave it to me to find the bold pop art in the simplest non intentional ways. Regardless it made an awesome backdrop to stripey bold lipped look. Which I insisted dave to pull over and shoot here. It turned out to be the perfect local before we munched on veggie lo mein....AND YES, this is that new coat I've been wanting.

I actually got it for christmas, and I am so pleased. It's vintage and SUPER WARM, plus unlike most brown coats, mother dearest knew to go a little lighter than my natural skin tone that most brown coats are. No one wants to be completely camouflaged in their coats. And I am obsessed with classic nudes this year!

And taking some notes from the classic calivintage jump, I decided to have more fun in my photos and take myself less seriously. I mean I never take myself seriously, I am such a dork! But I love fashion! Who says there can't be dorky fashionista??!!!

anyway...I hope this photoshoot brought out your sense of pride, if not for the flag at least for the cute small establishments that give us the comforts of home.


  1. i love these photos, definitely full of fun and lots of character! and you're right, the flag does make an awesome backdrop :)


  2. J'ADORE this shoot ♥♥ This really is the perfect backdrop for this outfit, haha! & of course I am totes jelly of your amazing vintage camel coat... You need to go vintage shopping for me one day, haha XD

  3. the colors! AH! i wanna go to this dairy queen in the summer. The shadows in these photos are dope. I love that last one, and od course the jumping one. xx

  4. Gorgeous coat, Bianca! I'm loving the stars and stripes theme here. :D

  5. oh my! that last pictures could totally be part of a super 60's inspired lookbook. i'm totally lovestruck - seriously.

    if you’re interested – i’m hosting my first giveaway!
    xx // themerrimari.blogspot.com

  6. Great location to shoot! you are THE American girl. forreal. love it!

  7. This whole post is just awesome. Perfect mustard/plum combo.

    New fan <3

  8. i love the last photo
    also! is it that warm where you are?

  9. Your blog is so cute!! I really love these sets of photos, but that jacket is fabulous. I also love the shoes, but that might be because I have almost the exact pair :) So versatile!

  10. hehe totally know what you mean, I look way more serious in blog shots than I really am! Love the jumping and smiling ones, you are so pretty! Amazing coat & great w/ that skirt & shoes : )

  11. Two of my favorite things together - stripes and yellow. I love this!!

  12. this is probably my favorite photoshoot. :)

  13. Nice outfit!You have got great blog.

  14. Very cute outfit! The background is fantastic as well. The DQ reminds me of a building that would be in that show Friday Night Lights. Or just somewhere in Texas.


hey guys
