i'm a big kid now

Check me out guys! Today I have some big news! I started my first "REAL JOB" hahah! Not an internship, not a student job, but a REAL JOB, for being...ya know....real! And grown up. I am officially a graphic designer in the great city of Chicago. I can't give you all the details, but it is for print works, my favorite type of design. I don't know how graphic designers became programmers, but I'm not that GREAT at back end design. And I love print! I LOVE IT! So happy that people are still for it as well.

Now that I'm all official, I've been thinking sartorially. Ya know, my outfits, I still want to be my quirky artist self but I still am considering that I am in an office setting. I'm so excited to color block. I hope Chicago won't get too hot! Anyway, last night I painted my own polyvore..heheh. I feel in LOVE with this yellow topshop blazer...so yummy, and I know yellow looks very nice on me too! Plus the rest are just items I already have, like linen shorts, high waisted trousers, my new madewell shirt and tote, my uniqlo dotted shirt, happy socks, loafers, and coffee!! Much needed coffee. I excited to learn a lot from this job, I'm also excited to learn to balance blogging and being a professional. So here goes! Wish me luck, and good luck to all the post-grads on their search!

ps...i got that madewell sweater listed below..haha! ITS AWESOME (thx to all who came to the event!! ♥)


  1. Awesome! That'll be great, especially up there in Chicago. Congrats!

  2. Congrats on your first grown-up job :) In ways it can be easier to balance a 9-5 job with blogging as you've more structure to your life (in theory anyway) and no pesky assignments and exams to cramp your blogging style!

  3. WoW! So cool! Congratulations on your first real job. You're one of the lucky ones to get a (good) job right after graduation! :}

  4. THAT'S AMAZING!!! Can't wait to hear more and your drawings are too cute.

  5. Very cute and whimsical illustrations! =)


  6. Congratulations on the new job! Your illustrations are ill.

    Love from Jo'burg

  7. That's so great for you! I love your blog, I always say that if my best friend and i had a love child it would be you. Is that weird? I totally don't mean it to be weird, I just love your style!
    Also, painting/drawing your clothes is a great idea for a rainy evening like we're having here in Montreal, I might have to give it a try!

  8. Goodness, congratulations on your first job. I love your illustrations. Thanks for the inspiration...I have a yellow skirt, yellow pair of shorts and a dotted shirt too. Next sunny day I'm certainly going to pair them together. I'm interested to see how your style evolves as you make your transition from student to professional. Cheers lady!

  9. CONGRATS!!! :D Your Polyvore is adorbs.

  10. Wow that's really awesome! Congrats. You'll totally do well on the blogging + being professional, I just know it. :)

  11. OMG PROFESSIONAL WOMAN RIGHT HURRR! congrats on getting your job! that's so awesome that you're a graphic designer! not many people can actually say that's there ACTUAL JOB!! :O

  12. congrats on the new job!! being an adult working a Real Job is fucking awesome.

    ^______________^ i'm so happy for you~


hey guys
