
blouse: bday gift
everything else: vintage
bracelet: the brave collection

I'm getting into pleated skirts, I think I want a dozen of them. This one is actually part of a suit that goes with this jacket. But I like to wear them as separates. I really need to clean out my closet. I find myself wearing the same 20 pieces over and over, neglecting the rest. If I had a blog sale would you support it?

this is before the haircut, which I'm still getting used to. It always seems like "just a trim" when its straightened but when its back to curly you feel like you've lost the war. But trims are important if I want mermaid hair! Or until I have a shocking resemblance to cousin it.

OH! How was your holiday, did you get everything you wanted? I wanted Doctor Who to visit my house and bring me a young James Spader or Christoph Waltz UNFORTUNATELY HE WAS A NO SHOW, so I settled for the ton of cat memorbilla everyone I loved bought me. Crazy cat lady here I come!



  1. The skirt is seriously gorgeous <3 <3 <3 I love your shoes too - truly a dream!

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  2. Love how you styled the skirt, the blazer is so pretty!!

    <3 Megan

  3. That jacket looks fantastic with your gray pleated skirt. I have a similar skirt and have neglected it this year. I should remedy that because yours is so cute!

  4. Great print on the jacket, looks very warm too! Best wishes for the next year! :)


hey guys
