mansome mondays: popeye

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I realize that it's not even close to being fall, and that this issue of Popeye came out last october. But I absolutely love this editorial. Last time I was in New York, Kinokuniya still had this issue, and now I regret not buying it. Not only is this editorial Annie Hall meets John Hughes but the entire issue was a New York City guide. I don't really know Japanese from what I picked up in my otaku days, but Japanese magazines are pretty visual enough you get the jist.

I'm starting to have an appreciation for men's magazines, maybe because there's fluff...

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  1. I have no idea what to comment except that I love this post up and down

  2. I love this editorial especially since my very first apartment with no room mates was in Fort Greene, it's also where I met my husband and I eat at the General Greene on the reg.


hey guys
