Bleu Jazz

 photo bj1_zps5c46aba4.jpg photo bj6_zps7f12a7ba.jpg photo bj5_zpsf749f245.jpg Plaid shirt: brother's
high waist pants: Uniqlo
Blazer: vintage
Shoes: Cole Haan

Wore this outfit on my way to see Blue Jasmine, and my friend told me I looked very Woody Allen esque, which is fantastic in my book. I even kinda look like this Woody Allen post I did a while back.

I really enjoyed this movie, and surprising connected with Jasmine. It kind of reminded me of who I was as a kid, and during the chat room days I could pretend to be whoever I wanted to be than the person I was. The person I was lived on the south side of chicago and got bullied constantly, but the person online could be a kid from Egypt or Italy, no one really cared to back check, because we were all pretending. The escape felt good for a while, but as I got older I learned I can't hide from who I am, I can only direct the person I will become. Whenever I have a great change I always try to "reinvent" myself. Whether it was the fresh start of a school year, starting a new job, or like now moving to a new city. But after living in New York for a month now, I realized I don't want to change the person that I am. I like myself, I like my family, I like where I come from. Why lie?

 photo bj3_zpsa3d1dcb2.jpg photo bj7_zpsde0ecdd6.jpg photo bj4_zps2bac1239.jpg photo bj2_zps1d45ab21.jpg


  1. I've just died : it's perfect, you're perfect !

    See U !

    PS : I've found some perfect Vintage pants, make me think about you !

  2. What a beautiful post! I love your hair in this, and the blazer is absolutely stunning xo

  3. Girl, you so fabulous. Love the trousers.

  4. You always have a perfect outfit! And the photo quality is great.

  5. Ahh you always look so utterly perfect! :)

    Bella . BELLAETC

  6. Wonderful post. You really struck a cord with me, and I like the approach you take to self acceptance. I also think you rock men's wear unlike anyone else! I thought Blue Jasmine was a well cast film, blown away by Cate Blanchett.


hey guys
