CAT Power

 photo cat1_zpsc6d2f945.jpg photo cat3_zps182270b0.jpg photo cat6_zpse3c3aa5f.jpg photo cat2_zpse69351ac.jpgShoes: Cat Footwear (not available until Fall 2014)
Jeans: Madewell
Denim Shirt: Madewell (similar)
Jacket: Vintage (similar)

When I was living in New York, I got the opportunity to be apart of CAT footwear Fall 2014 lookbook. I have to say I was super honored, especially to be included with bloggers I admire. I shot these photos in central park on a warm autumn afternoon after church. And believe me I thought I was going to meet my maker. What you don't see is me sneezing pieces of my brain out. I had the worst 3 week long cold and flu, that my roommates said "welcomes everyone when they move to New York" Moving back to Chicago has only been welcomed by beer, donuts, and pizza. I'll take two donuts instead of a 102 degree fever please!

On another note, I actually really love these shoes. They got me through the first half of winter, and keep my feet super warm in all the horrid weather. Plus the grip keeps me from slipping and sliding on the ice. Who new heels can be both super practical and cute! Oh and one more thing, by total accident I realized I dressed EXACTLY like Elaine Benes. HAR HAR

 photo cat7_zps3a1f02a7.jpg photo cat9_zpsbac0b2fb.jpg photo cat5_zps406f67a5.jpg


  1. I like this post so much! You have such a knack for making the simplest outfits look amazing- I could never wear a denim jacket and make it look that good! And those shoooeeess those shoes.

  2. These are gorgeous! Definitely think I'll be nabbing a pair xo

  3. I'm caught up in cynical, anti-sponsor mood right now, but pairing up with CAT is seriously cool! I dig those weirdo boots....


  4. Every time I comment on here, I always feel the need to say something about your hair - because it looks more amazing each time I run across a post of yours! Also, I love your boots, the style is perfect and the chunky heel is absolutely what I need to have a bit of reinforcement when I'm walking on icy pavement.

  5. These shoes are really cute. But I'm in love with your jacket. Seriously.

  6. you have THE BEST shirt collection ever!


hey guys
