ring in the new year

jacket: mother's early design school work
velvet blouse: thrifted vintage
forest green pants: american apparel
shoes: urban outfitters ($5 blk friday XD)
gold collar: f21
glasses: the alley

the time...new years eve, the place...the alley way. I have been accepting the color black in my life, but not without pops of color. I was feeling rather afro centric, so I had to rock one of my mother's fresh out of design school vintage designs. I love this jacket. On her it was a bit oversized, on me, fits like a dream. I truly love incorporating pieces from my moms early design days because we have such a similar taste in style.

as for my resolutions? I want to stop sweating the small stuff and allowing things I cant control to stress me out. I am very proud of how I took the reigns of my blog and focused it more, but as a blogger you never want to stop improving, so I want to make sure my blog stays true to me, to never feel like I posted something or did something that felt out of character.

And lastly, I want to save money, this means I will jump start it with a complete spending freeze and ease back in to budgeting well. TO BEGIN this means no more runs to the thrift store. i have plenty, and I want to challenge myself with what I have. I have some exciting trips planned so I will need money more then than another silk blouse..haha. PLUS, I want to make my lunches more than to rely on whats around campus. So here's to a brighter new year of always challenging myself to be a better me! ♥

hope 2k12 is already awesome for you! ♥♥♥


  1. Love your outfit. Those pants are SKIN TIGHT but they look great on you, especially with those boots. :] Happy New Year!

    PS. I laughed hardcore at your comment about your mom thinking we could potentially be related. However, I had a wake-up call over just how small the world actually is, so it just could be possible...

  2. LOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE that jacket! your mother is a genius!!!

  3. i love this outfit! the gold collar is awesome. my resolution is also a spending freeze through march. i think remixing what we already have will be surprisingly fun!

  4. omg I love your style I like so much vintage style fun picture hehe kiss from poland today new outfit

  5. You have a great sense of style! I love the way you use pops of color, and those sunglasses are just awesome.

    I'm following you now! <3

  6. love everything about this!


  7. happy new year. i love the accented african textile on your mom's blazer. just the right touch!

  8. Love this outfit! $5 for the UO boots?! What a steal!

    I'm starting with a complete spending freeze too! Good luck to us both :3

  9. im away from the internet for a week and I miss so much! Loved scrolling through your posts The shapes you are pulling here are pretty radical. So cool that your mom designed that jacket. Does she still do design?


    Good luck with he spending freeze! I'm trying it as well...it's not going very successfully, though!

  11. I really love your style, it's so eccentric! The details on your jacket especially is so interesting! I'm your new follower, hope we can follow each other! x
    Romiya Fashion Inspiration Blog

  12. the detail on your jacket is blowing my mind and ERM $5 for your booties OMG!!

    J x
    Happy New Year.

  13. so cool! really love your outfit!

  14. Good luck with your resolutions hunnie & omg that jacket is FAB ♥ Stay amazing!

  15. love the trousers!

  16. Absolutey friggin cool outfit!!!! LOVE how you styled this and added the jewelry!! Hope you had a Happy New Year's!! Just found your blog! Would you like to follow each other??


  17. AND your shirt is purple?
    this is just the coolest.

  18. Wow, you're mother's jacket is amazing! Just found your blog so it'll have to do some research and she if she's still designing. Happy new year!

  19. This jacket made me start singing Queen Latifah's UNITY in my head, and that is never a bad thing.



hey guys
