tea 4 2

sweater: vintage
hat: vintage
chambray: french connection
chinos: bershka

Tea, not exactly, hot chocolate to be more precise. I met up with my old friend, whose in town for the holidays. It was so nice to see her and catch up.Also, because she is a hat lady like me, I had to show up my latest vintage find. IS THIS HAT NOT AMAZE? I absolutely love it. I saw it at a vintage shop by my house AND HAD TO HAS. I convinced santa to bring it for me for Christmas, and wallah her it is. I know its a little wild, but each day I feel my style getting weirder and weirder. I think I'm channeling my inner Eva Fontanelli, my newest muse.

How was everyone's holiday so far? Get what you wanted? I just wanted to spend it with friends and family, and I think I may have gotten my wish this year.

PS. I got a hair cut, IT NEEDED TO BE DONE. I know its sad to see the curls hit the floor, BUT I FEEL SO SPUNKY with my new hair, can't wait to show you what I've been up too!


  1. hahaha love this nerdy look! kinda reminds me of Steve Urkle! lol!! glad you had a nice time with your friend! i got most of what i wanted, i'm pretty satisfied ^o^ Your hair is awesome! why cut it?! i wish my hair was like yours!

    btw, i love the name of your blog! hahaha :DD happy holidays and new years!

    alex @ Carouselstreet.com

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  3. I think it's funny how your HAT blends in your hair. :]

  4. I'm sure your curls are bouncier with the recent chop. Love the sweater and lovely hot chocolate art. I've only seen that done with capuccinos

  5. this is possibly the wickedest hat ever. I also enjoyed the jacket:)

  6. Wallah. Aka voila. LMAO

  7. Hope you had a fab X'mas, Bianca!

    Your hat (and sweater!) are totes amaze! Love your new spunky hair! :D

  8. cute look & love the new cut! can't wait to see you rock it more



hey guys
