Zapatos nuevos

The first order or business while living in new york. Snag some new sandals. I have one, yes, one pair of sassy black sandals that i wore to Mexico last year and has seen better days. Being in a quasi corporate environment i felt self conscious wearing shoes that carried the "sands" of time. So I treated myself to a new pairs (and an issue of Jille XD)

Even though i dream of dressing with platforms, i hate wearing heels all day and being a knee high to Godzilla. Small wedges and flats are fine with me! (these have a half inch wedge) Plus i love love love this ish of Jille. It features ( Like almost all july Japanese mags) blogger style, and my model crush ikumi got all curly like love!


Part 1) Talk about the person who nominated you:

And after many moons of receiving this award I want to finally thank Tori for giving me this blogger award. She is an amazing person and inspiration to me. Even though our styles are not cookie cutter I still admire her evolution as a blogger!

Part 2) Talk about the aim of your blog:

The aim of my blog is to just be a sometimes fashion sometimes lifestyle, mostly personal blog, in my own hipsterish way. (haha) I would love to develop it to more of a fashion blog, but since I have noooooo photographer, for the time being its more personal. But I hope you all will stay with me if I do more fashion in the future :D

You’re supposed to nominate 9 ppl but since Tori and I have similar blogs we follow I nominate:

Veronica, Zoraida, Emma, Jayne, and Firipa!

I hope you all had mad weekends, I got sick :P


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hey guys