I'm always watching videos about natural hair, reading blogs like bglh and urban bush babes about the best way to maintain your hair. I always been a little too carefree about my curls but as the seasons change so does my hair, and after a recent mistake of dying my hair with garnier (which I've learned that almost any garnier product damages your hair) I decided to GET SERIOUS.
I cut off all my damaged ends (hence the shorter do) and started fresh! Hopefully in March I can ombre my hair again for spring. It does the ombre naturally but it takes like...YEARS and I'm too lazy to wait that long AGAIN. (plus the only time it will naturally ombre quickly is if I am in mexico (aka hot weather, salt water))
In the meantime I have been trying out new products, deep conditioning weekly, and doing whats best for my hair. The product I wanted to talk about today is Kinky Curly.

Pros: its simple, it's a 2-1 leave in & styling product, you don't need much, its doesn't leabe your hair crunchy, and it lasts like 3 months to a bottle, its vegan! you can use a diffuser or air dry and get similar results.
Cons: its mad expensive, it doesn't work as well as the weather gets dryer. It will last possibly 2-3 days without having to rewet your hair. Plus you have to pineapple your hair to keep the look longer. It's also only available at select retailers (or online)
Since the weather has become dryer I decided to try Kinky Curly on a trip to return some Jane Carter Solutions (DONT LYKE) The Mixed chicks wasn't working as well as it did in the summer heat, and I wanted something that would last me longer without me having to RE DO my hair every to every other morning.
Pros: it lasts about 4 days without having to re wet your hair, its vegan, works with dry cold weather. Air dry or diffuse. It's available at Target.
Cons: you have to buy two products (leave in & custard), its really expensive, you have to really LATHER IT ON. Leaves your hair with that crunchy gel look on the first day.
The cons with Kinky Curly almost make me want to go back to Mixed chicks IF, mixed chicks lasted with longer. It sort of evens out because even though you use more product your applying it less frequently. And to get rid of that gel look, scrunch your hair with an oil of your choice when its COMPLETELY DRY. (I use Moroccan oil)

Love the longevity, hate the price, but as a college student, to be able to wake up and go in this chicago winter...A MUST, Kinky Curly for now! ♥
you should also give the new product Beautiful Textures a try! I heard about them through one of my fave YouTubers (MsVaughn from Chicago). I haven't had a chance to try them out myself because not only has my hair been in braids all winter, but I'm from Canada. So its not available here yet unless I go online. Anywayys the line is really cheap and its supposed to be very moisturizing too! And you can find it Sally Beauty Supply
ReplyDeleteHeres the link to the product site:
and MsVaughn's review:
sorry for the incredibly long comment, but I hope this helps! Btw i LOVE your style :)
The kinky curly products are the best I've ever used. I experiment with other products now and then but I always come back. If you haven't tried it you may want to check out the clear Eco Styler Gel. I've tried it and it gives similar results to KCCC (not quite as great imo but decent) and it's only 2.99 a bottle. My pet peeve with the Eco styler though was that it doesn't have any curl memory.
gorgeous gorgeous hair!! good luck with your regimen!
Oh if only if only!! I mean... I guess it could be interesting to see what it'd do to my hair hehe. Absolutely love your hair!
Your hair really does look spectacular! ♥ Must be a product worth trying! I should wear my hair natural one of these days...
ReplyDeleteFreaking gorgeous!! How do you look so damn good in a camera flash!? I look a mess, you ... your features pop beautifully in it!
ReplyDeleteHaven't tried it and I like it!
ReplyDeleteYou do have gorgeous hair. I've heard lots of great stuff about Kinky Curly, I think I may have to hunt it down. My NY resolution is to take better care of my hair at the moment, the internet has been such a godsend - there's so much information (youtube, blogs, forums). It's awesome.