my english memories

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As I saw that big ole $$$$$$ on my potential rebate after I did my taxes I couldn't resist the notion of traveling the world again. Let me tell you I'm hella jelly of those who can just purchase a plane ticket like it AINT NO THANG, as for me, the purchase is MAJOR, last time i looked (like a few hours ago) ticket prices were 4,000 round trip. THATS JUST ECONOMY AIRFARE! Ugh, oh well, it took the time to go through the mountains of digital photographs and pulled some of my favorites. Its funny it always seems photos I HATED or took as a mistake, I ended up loving in the end! So yes, no photos of me, but here's some photos of where I rather be.


  1. I share your sentiments. Haha! And one of the downsides of being a citize of a 3rd world country is that there's a Visa requirement for nearly all the countries i want to go to. Acquiring Visa alone already requires much moolah.

  2. Love the photographs; which camera do you use?


hey guys