just another manic monday

silk blouse: vintage 
blazer: vintage 
trousers: french connection
loafers: f21 
belt: h&m 
briefcase: mother's LV (vintage) 

When the Urbaness approached me to be apart of a story to be featured on their site, I couldn't wait to be apart! I love news media, and I love showing that Chicago can be just as fashion forward as any other city. So we collaborated and came up with concept of taking the "ho-hum" out of everyday office wear. I decided to challenge myself by centering a new look for everyday of the week around the classic silk blouse. I also thought it would allow the reader to feel she can easily achieve similar looks at home, because fashion is more than just brands, its about style!

Here's an excerpt of my "Monday" look...

"I know what they say, ‘just another manic Monday,” but I feel like Monday is the best day to put on your shiny suit. No need to break the bank either. The blazer is thrifted to complement the French Connection trousers I already had, and it keeps the look from being too matchy-matchy." 

 Follow me journey throughout this week here and read the rest of the story on the Urbaness!


  1. You look fantastic! The outfit is really refined and put-together but still looks "attainable". Love, love, love the blazer! The print is all kinds of wonderful.

  2. Congrats on the feature! You look great.

  3. Look at you Werkin Girl!

  4. That blazer really gives the look the extra pop!
    Love this look :)

  5. Everyday I wish I could wear loafers...then remember that I inherited my mother's wide feet. The world, she is cruel.

  6. This is gorgeous, I love the bag xo


hey guys
