onwards and upwards

I can definitely say 2012 was a growing year for me. Finally finished college, got an adult job, had surgery, went back to my love for acting at Second City. It's had its share of ups and downs, but I'm looking forward to bettering myself in the next year. I started exercising more and reading more. Two things I've been pending on doing. I'm not much for resolutions, my thoughts are if you want to change something about your life...CHANGE IT. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Not waiting for time on a clock, but a time in my heart to renew.

It was kind of amusing going through these pictures and seeing how much my style has evolved and changed. And how long my hair has grown! I can tell that my style was not as cohesive as it was last year, but I do see it coming together towards the latter have of 2012. Nevertheless, its been fun finding myself through this wonderful medium! I'm greatful for each reader who encourages me, and every comment thats lets me know I'm am as not much of an ugly duckling as I once lead myself to believe!

Here's to 2013! Thank you all for joining me into the new year! Love you lots!

Bianca Xunïse


  1. You have the best style I've ever seen, and I'm working to get my hair to get like yours! Happy New Year, and I look forward to another year of loving your blog! :)

  2. It is great seeing these photos together so one can easily see how your style became more and more focused! I totally agree with your mentality, waiting for things to change doesn't get you anywhere. Lots of people feel safe in that, as I have been recently learning at my job as a weight loss counselor. But we only get one life to do what we want, so everyday one has to do everything they can!

  3. Hey! new reader, but seriously devoted and impressed, just love love love this blog and the story it tells and the style you are evolviing. Just love it. So glad you're doing it! Gives me hope that I, in new life stage (40, newly at home with 2 year old second kid, and having really new different shaped body), will be able to find a style that makes me feel as me as I once felt in my clothes at 16, or 20, or 28 and 32. Haven't felt like that really since..but your pics, your japanese fashion girl fandom, wow, so inspiring. Keep posting, I'll keep reading and being inspired!

  4. Bianca <3 Happy New Year~
    It's been really fun reading about your successes this year~ May you have an even more eventful 2013 with even moreee beautiful outfit photos~
    ^______^ you're awesome~

  5. It's so interesting to see your looks of the year. I actually think your style is cohesive , definitely Bianca-style. I admire your vision and self-belief so much!

  6. Happy New Year! Love looking at the recap! :D

  7. jeeze. my resolution now is to find a way to please the pants gods— you have the greatest pants collection ever.


  8. wow girl. your style is amazing!! new follower, definitely.


hey guys